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For a few days now, we have had some interest in our opinions
For a few days now, we have had some interest in our opinions on how to appropriately use Twitter marketing software such as Tweet Adder and Tweet Whistle, so we decided we'd offer our views with you here. We've had problems as well as many, many successes and it all makes for high-quality suggestions and good advice.
So here are our best Twitter marketing tips, we've put on screen for you...
Some things to consider before starting; if you're employing Tweet Adder, automate it to unfollow users who have not followed you in return after a few days. Let's be honest, if the member are not regular to Twitter then you wouldn't want them to be a follower and if they are they'll most likely have overlooked your follow request and 3 days is more than enough of a period for them to reciprocate. In addition before you begin to follow users make sure you have at least 5 normal and intriguing messages on your account. Would you follow someone back who has no posts at all or a person with a considerable amount of promotional material on their profile?
If your Twitter page is brand new and you've just started using it, using your Twitter marketing tools, follow up to 50 members per day for the first few weeks or so. Don't purely add 500 members to your list for the reason that you will be banned from Twitter. This possibly will sound a little sluggish however to have a lucrative Twitter marketing promotion you'll need to have some patience. As you are getting users onto your list unfollow the users who have not followed you in return using the settings that you've assigned in Tweet Adder. This'll keep your ratio looking more believable to your potential brand new members.
After a couple of weeks has gone by, tot up your following to around one hundred a day, ensuring to follow the tips that we have mentioned before. Then go of your own accord into it effortlessly and add users of your own accord (obviously, within reason).
Keep in mind to add your own set of laws to the listing as you gather familiarity as each Twitter experience is distinctive. And make sure that your content is always fresh as well as advertising to the members...we can offer all the suggestions in the world but the most focal element is down to you; being yourself.
However we would not have so many successful Twitter marketing campaigns if it wasn't for software like Tweet Adder which as suggested above above, if used correctly, is completely safe. If you want to read more about the options when it comes to Twitter marketing software simply click the link. We have lots of further advice, reviews of each piece of software and video reviews to help you decide. We like to make Twitter marketing as easy as possible for all!
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Twitter marketing is a highly effective way
1. Be Vulnerable
To be naked is to be human. When you start sharing your hopes, dreams and fears, you connect with people on a visceral level. Remember, people buy from who you are before they buy what you sell.
2. Tick People Off
There's a saying that when you try to please everybody you will please nobody. Be opinionated and the people who adore your persuasion will become your fervent followers. Polarization creates sales.
3. Tweet Nonsense
This sounds crazy, but hear me out. People hit up Twitter to chill and catch up with news. People don't go on Twitter to do business, at least not deliberately. Hit their funny bone and they'll respond by noticing you.
4. Become Yoda
People are addicted to positive thinking quotes on Twitter. The more motivation quotes you Tweet out, the more you get tweeted. The end result: People think you're a deep thought leader worth following.
5. Start Dealin' Cool
Again this bears repeating, people don't go on Twitter to be sold to. Instead, they go to find breaking news and time-wasting Youtube videos. Here's the key: Give them what they want (the cool), and they'll give you what you want (the green). So go on Digg and tweet those links away.
6. Be a Master Asker
Don't be afraid to ask for a specific action on your Twitter feed, for example a retweet. If you don't ask for retweets, people will not give you one. If you don't ask for props, they may not give you one. Ask and you shall receive.
7. Ooze Sex Appeal.
Be as suave with people as you would in real life. Offer compliments, be amicable, crack a joke or two. You'll be surprised how well this translates in the online space.
And this will help you get as much Twitter traffic as possible.
8. Raise the Banner. Stand for a cause and your followers will start standing in solidarity with you.
And now I would like to invite you to claim your instant free access to my Twitter marketing and psychology videos by going to
Plus, you also get a motherlode of other limited-edition social media tutorials and videos.
From Kenneth Yu - The Puppet Master and Social Influence Marketer.
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Roubini foi apelidado Dr. Doom
Nouriel Roubini (Istambul, Turquia, 29 de março de 1959) é um economista turco, de origem judaica, naturalizado estadunidense, professor da Stern School of Business da Universidade de Nova York, desde 2009. [1]. É também presidente do grupo de consultoria RGE Monitor, especializado em análise financeira.
No início dos anos 2000, Roubini foi apelidado Dr. Doom ou Doutor Catástrofe, [2] em razão das suas previsões econômicas catastróficas - ou, pelo menos, muito mais pessimistas do que as da maioria dos economistas, na época.
Em 2005, segundo a revista Fortune, Roubini afirmou que "o preço dos imóveis residenciais surfava em uma onda especulativa, que brevemente faria afundar a economia." "Naquela época, foi qualificado de Cassandra. Agora, é considerado um sábio." Suas previsões atuais são igualmente apocalípticas: uma recessão persistente, com mais de dois trilhões de dólares de perdas em créditos e uma crise bancária sistêmica. "O FDIC gastou 10% das suas reservas para socorrer IndyMac, e esta foi a primeira onda de falências," diz Roubini. "Será que daqui a pouco não teremos que socorrer o FDIC?"
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